Newborn on her way (Nadine)

Jiahui felt contractions since 10pm. The birth of our newborn on her way from the home to the hospital.

As the hospital charges us 1 full day,  she aimed to enter the hospital after midnight. (If you enter the hospital before 12 midnight, there is a different price)

Here is a video to keep you updated:


We left the house at about 1135pm, and when we reached the carpark, it was only about 1155pm.

The pain was a little bad for Jiahui, as she has a low threshold.

When we went to the carpark, we realized that the lifts were locked at it was after 1030pm (That was really irritating!)

I had to drive the car out again, and we went in to the main reception.

When the security guard saw us, he immediately brought a wheelchair out….To be continued!

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