OverParenting your child
Are you OverParenting your child? Gone are the days of the “Helicopter Parents”, where Parents are always hovering around their children and …
Are you OverParenting your child? Gone are the days of the “Helicopter Parents”, where Parents are always hovering around their children and …
In the last few months, I have been giving a few Parenting talks. Had the privilege to be invited to Ngee Ann …
Recently, we had the privilege to be invited as a Panelist for Intel’s Community Project on the Cyber Landscape of Singapore. Every …
As a Christian, many of us are familiar with the Scripture that is associated with Prayer. We are to ask, seek and …
Recently, as I was writing, it certainly occurred to me to me that all Parents fall into the trap of telling the …
Some parents I have met want their kids to be their best friend! But if your kids are your best friend, can you …
Recently, after recording my Channel News Asia Video on kids and technology, I started researching and reading even more on this subject. …
Time flies when you are watching the telly or just surfing on the internet! If adults suffer from this problem, how much …
As a father of 3, I am regularly asked the question “Where do I find the time?” The questions increase when they …
Recently, Nathan told us that he really really really wants to go to: (in no particular order) New York, Tokyo, Paris, Hong …