Interview with Mister Maker and the Shapes

Mister Maker is coming to Singapore! From 10-12 June, meet the evergreen Mister Maker, as he brings his own brand of humor and creativity live at Downtown East. We have met Mister Maker previously, but this time round, we had the privilege of conducting an interview with him. Yep! Certainly exciting,  as we get to find out what makes Mister Maker tick!

(Sponsored Giveaway)

For those who are uninitiated, Mister Maker is a preschool television series where Phil Gallagher (aka Mister Maker) takes kids on a journey of fun and creativity with everyday items. On this live edition, Mister Maker will be appearing with a supporting cast, with art at its heart!  The show  will encourage Mini Makers and grown-ups to sing, dance and make some noise with lots of audience participation.

mister maker singapore

Check out our email Interview with Mister Maker, as we found out more about the show:

  1. How did the idea of the show come about?

This is our first ever dedicated live theatre show – I am so excited! I wanted to create a live show that all ages would enjoy – not just the Mini Makers but the grown-ups too. It is a fun arty party and I hope everyone that comes to see the show has a wonderful time (and is surprised by my dance moves)!

mister maker live2. Where do you get all your ideas from?

I think the most important thing is to start collecting your own ‘doodle drawers’ of arty materials for a rainy day. This can be just an old shoe box that you fill up with materials that might be useful one day…and these materials will give you great arty ideas!

3. How long do you take to practice for each act?

I rehearse every day! The great thing about our live show is that anything can happen…

4.What’s your favourite act in the entire show?

The moment when The Shapes take to the stage for the first time is something to behold! The noise levels in the theatre increase…and then of course everyone sings “I AM A SHAPE LA LA LA LA!”. 

One of the things that makes me most proud is that wherever we perform our live show, children and grown-ups give us such a warm and excited response. It is heart-warming to hear the reactions of the crowd and I am so thankful for their support.  

Mister maker5. What’s the funniest thing a child said to you in the show?

How did you get out of the TV?

A lovely question, which makes me very proud too, because it means the child really believes in the character and loves the show)


It was definitely fun hearing things from Mister Maker’s perspective, and we are looking forward to the live show that is running from 10-12 June at Downtown East.


Fri, 10 – Sun, 12 Jun 2016
Fri: 6 pm
Sat: 12pm, 3pm & 5.30pm
Sun: 10.30am, 2pm & 5pm

For more information, do visit Mister Maker Tickets. 

And Yes! We have a Giveaway for our Readers!

We are giving away  4 tickets for the Sunday Show,12 June at 5pm  (Please note that dates and timings are non-exchangeable.)

All you need to do is to:

1. Comment on this blog post, and tell us why you would like to bring your kids to watch Mister Maker”

2. Join and LIKE the Ed Unloaded and Mums e Word Facebook page

3. Share and Tag this blog post on your Facebook Wall with the Caption “Win Tickets to watch Mister Maker” (Tag at least 1 friend).

For those who are new to the process, just copy the Blog Page Address and Paste it on your FB Wall. (Do Remember to add the Caption and make your share Public!)

The Giveaway ends on 9 June, 2016 at 1200 hrs.

(Editor’s decision on Winners are final, and Facebook accounts used solely for Giveaways will NOT be entertained. All incomplete entries will  also automatically be disqualified The management reserves all rights to amend or change the terms & conditions of this promotion without prior notice. Final decisions will be made by Ed  


And the Winner is:


Congratulations! We will be contacting you shortly about the collection of your prize. To the rest of our readers, do stay tuned for our next giveaway.

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