Power of Asking

As a Christian, many of us are familiar with the Scripture that is associated with Prayer. We are to ask, seek and knock. For he who asks will receive, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened (Luke 11:9). Sometimes we just be so caught up with life, that we forget to ask. And because we don’t ask, we might not receive. On the flip side, sometimes we don’t really ask, because we don’t really believe.

My children really believe everything that I tell them. That is one of the privileges about being a Parent. We are given this awesome responsibility in life, where we are able to build and encourage the next generation. In my family, we set some strict ground rules around the house. For example, one of the rules that we adhere to, is that they need to be asleep by 8.30 p.m. Children need their rest, and we try to make sure that they always get enough sleep.

With technology being such a rage these days, and with Daddy and Mummy always on the Internet, we also have some strict Internet ground rules. The kids have no access to the Internet and Television except on weekends. Surprisingly, Steve Jobs practices the same mantra. When his kids were growing up, he had similar restrictions on electronic devices, even though he is famous for the iPhone and iPad. As a result, my son displays strong “withdrawl”  symptoms, as all boys love computer games. When the weekends come, he will be play furiously on his iPad, to make up for lost time (However, there are also further time restrictions on the usage). To curb his growing appetite for such gadgets, I have constantly reminded him, “You can only play the tablet on weekends!”

tablet addiction

Nathan has held on to my word without fail.

Every Saturday morning at 8am…I will hear someone knocking on my door, and the door creaking open. There, in my semi conscious state (As it is just too early for me on a Saturday morning), I can sense the shuffling of small little feet, as my little boy leaps onto my bed. Feeling a bear like creature climb onto my back, Nathan will delicately whisper into my ear,

” Daddy, today is Saturday…today is tablet day…can I play with the tablet?”

At this moment, I will stretch out my hands, and pass him my tablet…

That is how my son holds on to my promises to him.

In the same way, when we remind God about his promises to His people, I am sure that He will be moved. If an imperfect human father is moved to pass a tablet to his son, how much more, will our heavenly father be moved, when we put our faith in His word.






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