Nicole learned something new about Jesus on Sunday:
She learnt that Jesus lives in her heart!
Bible stories for kids are very important. From young, we try to instill in them, a love for Jesus and the bible. This is the picture of the first Bible that we got for our little girl. Lots of pictures, and simple stories, to make learning easy for them.
After learning that Jesus lives in her heart, Nicole went home to research more about Jesus with her bible. Nic loves to read, so when she went home, she took out her favorite Bible Storybook.
She quickly got Mummy to sit down and read the book together with her.
As she looked at the pictures of Jesus in the Bible, she immediately looked at Mummy…with a very puzzled look…
pointing to the picture of Jesus, she exclaimed:
Mummy….How did Jesus come out of my heart?!?
I am sorry, but I must be bias….I think she is the cutest little girl around!!!
As a Christian growing up in the Charismatic Circle, one of my favorite books was God's Generals by Roberts Liardon. Basically, the book examines the lives of great healing evangelists like Smith Wiggleworth, John G. Lake, Evan Roberts, William Branham, Katherine Kuhlman, Amie McPherson and others. As a Christian, the…
Growing up, I remember buying a Comic book weekly! Every parent wants to cultivate a good reader and many are asking the question, "Should Children read comics?" Can a daily diet of comics such X-Men, Superman or Iron Man nurture a good reader and can it bring out the best of…
This year promises to be an exciting year for the family, as we are seeing many changes among our midst. Blogging also helps me, as I began to chart my Family’s Development. For a start, Nathan is now officially going to school, and he is in the same Pre-school as…