Cure Morning Sickness, Sea Sickness, Nausea (Giveaway)

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My wife suffered from terrible Morning Sickness when she was pregnant! Her first 3 months with the kids was filled with many visits to the toilet. It made the pregnancy unbearable, and there was just NO WAY to keep the food in. Just recently, we were asked to try out these new products by Sea Band! Made to cure Nausea, Travel and Morning Sickness, this product sounds too good to be true!

sea band

Well! I was definitely intrigued by the proposition from Sea Band, and I managed to get my hand on a few samples. According to the write-up, the Sea Band operates by exerting pressure on the acupressure points (Called the Nel-Kuan point) on each wrist. Putting the pressure on this point, a few minutes before you puke, causes relief for the patient. (Sea Bands must also be worn on both hands to be effective).  As it is an all natural way of finding relief, patients can be rest assured that they will be NO Side effects! According to Sea Band, these drug free bands are effective in conditions that produce nausea such as pregnancy, anaethesia and chemotherapy.

no morning sickness

Personally, I have no one in the family that suffers from morning or travel sickness at the moment, so I can’t give you my first hand experience about these devices. However, some new parents have been telling me about these bands, and it sounds like they are gaining a following. The great thing about the sea band, is that it is also made of normal strechable materials, which means that it can be used repeatedly and hand washed. That means that you can pass it on to your friends as well! 🙂

And the Good News is that I have some sample for everyone, so that you can try out the Sea Band for yourself! They come in adult and child sizes, so your kids are safe from sea sickness, when they go on a cruise as well! 🙂

no travel sickness

For this Giveaway, we have a total of 2 sets to bless our readers with. Each set contains Sea Bands for 2 adults and 2 children. All you need to do is to:

1. Comment on this blog post on Sea Band, and tell us what you love about the Sea Band

2. Join and LIKE the Sea Band Facebook Page and ED Unloaded Facebook Page Facebook Page

3. Share this blog post on your Facebook Wall with the Caption “Get rid of Morning and Travel Sickness”

For those who are new to the process, just copy the link below and Paste it on your FB Wall. Do Remember to add the Caption!

The Giveaway ends on 7 Jan, 2015 at 2359 hrs. (Editor’s decision on Winners are final) 


And the results of our Giveaway are OUT! And the Winners are:

1. Lily

2. Diana Lim

Congratulations to our Winners! We will be contacting you shortly about the collection of your prize. To the rest of our readers, do look out for our other upcoming giveaways!

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