OPTIFOG: No more foggy glasses
Sponsored Review
Just recently, I got a pair of new shades thanks to Opti-fog and Essilor!
I don’t wear glasses, but on occasions where I need to put on my shades, I find it uncomfortable when I need to deal with problems like smudges and even worse: fogging!
Don’t you hate it when you come out of a cold environment such as an air-conditioned office or shopping mall, and your vision is blurred!
This problem is even more pronounced for everyday drivers like myself! Even the Ang Moh model does not look very cool, when his glassed are all fogged up!
As someone who does not fancy an extra piece of apparatus hanging on one’s facial exterior, wearing a pair of glasses should encompass less problems!
Check out the graphics below to find out how Optifog works!
I think it’s great I can say bye-bye to these problems with my new shades!
For more details, you can visit Optifog or Essilor about their products!