Music Lessons at Aureus Academy
Going for Piano lessons was a norm when I was a young boy. However, with the scope of children’s enrichment lessons ever increasing, music lessons have taken a back seat in many households. Our recent episode with Nadine’s seizure has brought music to the forefront and we have decided to explore Music Lessons at Aureus Academy.
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Before music lessons, Parents must first ask themselves…why music?
After all, there are just so many options for a child’s enrichment out there. From app coding, art, cooking to tennis, there is something for everyone out there. However, music has got a trump card as it has a long history of being able to help children enhance skills for education, coordination and discipline.
To elaborate, music and mathematics are highly intertwined. By understanding beat, rhythm, and scales, children are learning how to divide, create fractions, and recognise patterns. It seems that music wires a child’s brain to help him better understand other areas of math.
Learning music helps kids with their physical skills. Learning to play with both hands helps them develop their coordination and motor skills.
Music teaches children about delayed gratification. To play their favourite musical piece, one must put in the hard work to sight read and also coordinate their movements in the expected rhythm. Through practice, kids learn the value of hard work and their self-esteem is boosted when they see their results.
More importantly, research has shown that music improves brain development. Neuroscientists have discovered multiple ways that musical training improves the function and connectivity of different brain regions. Playing a musical instrument can cause fundamental changes in a young person’s brain, shaping both how it functions and how it is physically structured.
Realising the neuro benefits of music, we embarked on our adventure of finding a good music school for our kids.
Aureus Academy
After leaving the music scene for some time, we were pretty unfamiliar with what schools had to offer. However, with 5 music schools around the whole island at major shopping centres, it is difficult to miss Aureus Academy.
Aureus Academy was formed by brothers Lawrence and Julius Holmefjord-Sarabi in September 2013. The school was birthed when Lawrence read his music at Singapore’s Yew Siew Toh Conservatory of music and was overwhelmed by numerous requests to teach young children music. Being a seasoned concert pianist under notable musicians, he was expected to pass on the values of what he has learned from his own teachers.
Working together with his entrepreneur brother Julius, they started an academy where every teacher has a degree in music. This is a first for any large music school in Singapore.
Together with a FREE Trial offered to all students, we were more than game to visit a school conveniently located for the family schedule.
All our 3 kids went for the trial, with the girls opting for the piano, while our boy had a go at the drums!
Verdict on Music Trial Class
We were glad that a half an hour FREE trial class was offered to the kids! As parents can sit-in for the classes, we could evaluate the synergy between teacher and child. After all, chemistry is very important, as we want the kids to have a long-term interest in their instrument of choice. We don’t want any teacher boring our kids to death…:)
One can also assess the attention span of their child. Our 8-year-old girl had problems lasting for an hour, so we knew that a half an hour or 45 min class would suit her best. Our boy loved the drums but we decided against signing up for classes, as we did not have a drum set at home. Practice is essential for music and we did not want to start him on something that he could not finish.
Talking to the friendly staff at Aureus Academy, we discovered that school fees can be paid monthly. This sounded like a great proposition for us! Knowing how fickle children can be, with monthly payments at Aureus Academy, we can give a “runway” for each child to decide on his/her willingness to commit to an instrument.
As all things were looking good, we decided to enrol the 2 girls for classes at Aureus Academy. Currently the 2 girls are enjoying their classes, and we will keep everyone updated, on the progress of the kids! 🙂
If the kids are not sure about their instrument, there is an upcoming Aureus Academy Winter camp that might interest parents. Kids can explore a different instrument on each day of a 3-day non-residential camp or explore an instrument just for a day. The camp definitely sounds like a better idea than letting the kids watch TV or fiddle with their tablets all day! 🙂
And we have a Special Discount Code for all our readers!
Quote “ED UNLOADED” upon registration for your first lesson, and get a $50 discount off your first lesson (1 Time use only per child).
Click on the link to find out more about Aureus Academy and the FREE TRIAL