Lego Robotics Class
Lego is always such a hit with children. They encourage children’s creativity and the the development of fine motor skills. Add Lego with technology, and Lego robotics will take your children to the next level. Just recently, Nathan was invited for a trial class with Wonders Work, to learn about Lego Robotics. Just like any boy, he loves Lego, and together with Robots, this is a sizzling combination that cannot fail! Especially for boys!
Adopting a method of self discovery, children at Wonders Work are taught Science by playing with toys! These methods are advocated by renown US Professor Dr Edwin Sobey, where instead of children receiving instructions and answers, they find out Science by themselves.
Kids learn Science by Doing it!
When given projects, kids are asked to build toys from scratch without any instructions. Yes! totally different from the Singapore system. Here, kids are encouraged to DO Science and not read about it! And when Kids do Science, they learn and they learn quickly. Cool right!
Nathan was super excited to go for the class, and even though he was a bit shy at first, he easily warmed up to the instructors. On average, there is 1 instructor for every 4 students, and the emphasis is for the kids to find out how to do things by themselves.
In this class, Nathan built a Robot Arm, through the use of a Lego Robotics kit. He was definitely enjoying his little experiments! If you are not sure, whether your child will love the classes, you can sign them up for a trial class as well. This is a good option, in order for you to make sure that you maximize every dollar!
If your kids are not interested in Robots, they can also sign up for Kids invent, which is more generic. And if you are wondering if there is any short term exposure camp for the kids, you will be glad to know that there is a Space Invention Camp coming up this Nov/Dec School holidays.
Check out the details below:
Class size is kept small, so do sign up ASAP to avoid disappointment. Find out more here at the Wonders Work website.
Wonders Work is located at Liang Court, and you can find out more about eir teaching methods by watching the video with Channel News Asia: