Cure your eczema, rash or itchy skin

Are you or your kids having problems with eczema, rash, itchy skin or a skin disorder? Or are you a middle aged man like me, and still have problems with acne?

If you are suffering from a case of bad eczema, the good doctor might already have prescribed a dosage of steroids, to help with the condition. However, we all know that there are side-effects that come with steroids, and patients are always on the lookout for a naturally organic solution. Well, recently we were introduced to SEC Shower converters!

Developed and Made in Korea, SEC Shower converters offers an everyday solution, that makes things easy for victims of eczema.

First of all, What are the reasons and results of Eczema?

Some research suggest that:

  • There is a weakening in the skin’s natural protective barrier due to a protein mutation in their skin called filaggrin.
  • Higher number of bacteria living in one’s skin, due to the lack of anti-microbial on victims.
  • Skin Barrier is weakened, resulting in bacteria and irritants entering the skin, and causing an itch and ultimately eczema.

Cure for Eczema?

There is no known cure for eczema currently and managing it is a lifelong effort. While most children grow out of eczema, some do not.

Doctors usually advised eczema sufferers to use mild soaps, moisturize often, and avoid dusty places and other possible triggers such as sweating, excessive showering and the use of harsh soaps and skin products – all of which to prevent itchy skin conditions from happening.


My experience with SEC Shower Converters

My son suffers from the beginning stages of Eczema, as he has very dry, scaly and itchy skin. I don’t know about you, but I face the challenge of applying the lotion on him. I need to remind him everyday, remind my helper everyday, and remind him everyday. This is to ensure that there is a higher percentage of my boy NOT forgetting to apply the lotion. However, in this imperfect world, he still forgets…

When I was first introduced to SEC converters, I was a bit skeptical, as I have never heard of them. But looking at the research, my interest was piqued, as the “bubbles” sounded magical. Upon installation, we did a simple test.

I put one hand into the shower and washed it with the “Bubbled” water. At the first touch, the water felt softer, and leaving it under the wash after 3 minutes, I looked at my hands. Somehow it felt different, and my skin felt smoother.

I told my wife about it, and my wife thought I was crazy. You can tell, who is the bigger skeptic in the house! 🙂

Anyway, we went around with our normal duties, and got the kids to bathe with the “bubbles” regularly. After 3 weeks, my wife went to examine my son’s skin condition. She remarked that the skin condition has improved!

Sounds hard to believe right…I guess you will only know, if you try it out for yourself!


How does SEC Shower Converters help?

So,what is the Science behind the bubbles? SEC Shower Converters are a range of revolutionary shower products that utilise the proprietary MiraventurimTM technology to instantly convert ordinary tap water into a concentrated stream of ultra-tiny air and oxygen SEC bubbles.

As victims of eczema have skin which have more bacteria than normal, cleaning the clogged pores is important. Furthermore, as the skin is dry and itchy, skin needs to be moisturized again for quick recovery.

This is where SEC bubbles comes in! 🙂

To clean the clogged pores, patients need to use a substance better than normal tap water!

sec bubbles

The Good News is that SEC bubbles are so small that they are smaller than skin pores and It has the ability to penetrate into clogged pores to remove the dead skin cells, bacteria and oil deposits.

At the same time, when SEC bubbles penetrate the pores, they release oxygen directly into the skin and keep it hydrated with an increased moisturizing effect. This improves skin conditions especially dry and itching skin. When SEC bubbles burst, they further generate ultrasonic waves and instant heat that help eliminate bacteria colonization (which aids skin recovery) without the use of chemicals. The ultrasonic waves also provide a gentle stimulus that promotes healthy skin and scalp.

Clinically proven by DermaPro Skin and Research Centre in Seoul Korea, and further attested by the Korea Atopy Association, the improved skin condition is a proven and tested result by the Koreans that does not require scrubbing or harsh chemicals!

If you need a bit of a visual understanding of the process, do watch the video:


Now that you have heard about these small SEC Bubbles, you must be wondering how does one get these bubbles?

Basically there are 2 ways!

There is the basic unit (i.e. SEC Showerhead) and the full SEC Shower System (DE Esprit)! And of course there is a big difference in terms of output!

sec shower head


1) SEC Shower Head

The basic unit consists of a Shower Head Converter.

It is just a plug-and-play system, where you just change the shower head, and you are ready for Bubbles !

sec shower

This is the most basic set, if you are keen to try out the SEC system on a trial basis, you may want to opt for this shower head first, before making the bigger investment.

Normally retailing at $399, there is a current promotion of $379 ($20 discount) with FREE gifts. Find out more at SEC Lifestyle


sec shower system

2) SEC Shower System – DE Esprit

The SEC Shower System (DE Esprit) produces 10-15 times more that the Shower Head Converter. Inclusive of the SEC Shower Head mentioned previously, the system adds a “box-like” module to your shower system. The enhanced converter box lies in the “box”, and it is able to generate produce 10 to 15 times more bubbles than the Shower Head. This is important, as when there are more bubbles, the cleaning process is more efficient, and so is the hydration process.

Once again, there is no mess in the installation of the device, and there is no need for drilling. to fit in the system.

Normally retailing at $1999, there is a current promotion price of $1799 with FREE Gifts. ($200 Discount) Find out more at SEC Lifestyle

And just for our Readers, we have a special discount on the SEC Shower System – DE Esprit. 

SEC Lifestyle will be having an Open House at their office (Jln Pemimpin) on Sat 20 Dec, 2014. When you call to RSVP at 6659-7890 for the open house and quote: SEC / ED Unloaded

You will get an additional $100 off the promotion price! (Valid till 20 Dec 2014 only)


Therefore, it means that you can get the Shower System – DE Esprit at $1699. An additional $100 Savings! 🙂 

Total savings: $200 + $100 + FREE Ezeque Skin Therapy (Worth $42.90) + FREE delivery and installation ($120)

sec de esprit

As the treatment will not be complete without applying lotion on the skin, is there a good lotion that we can use?

Introducing EZEQUETM Skin Therapy, which is specially formulated with natural ingredients (NO STEROIDS) to quickly soothe itchy skin conditions and at the same time strengthen the skin barrier. This results in less or no scratching and allows the skin time to recover.

EZEQUETM Skin Therapy is packaged for on-the-go use. That is, you can use it anytime and anywhere – whenever itching symptoms appear – whether you are in class or at work. Consisting of a mist spray and a cream, It is a non-steroidal and botanceutical formulation.

As you apply EZEQUE onto your skin, you will feel it being quickly absorbed and relieving your itch almost immediately. EZEQUE crystalline ice plant provides the soothing and itch-relief effect, and locks-in hydration while EZEQUE phytomucin supplies the natural amino acids to strengthen the skin barrier function.

eczema lotion


Sounds “chim” right…

Well, to make it easy so that all our Readers can try it out for themselves, we have a GIVEAWAY!

We are giving away 3 sets of EZEQUETM Skin Therapyso that you can try out this all natural protection for yourself:


All you need to do to Win is to:

1. Comment on this blog post, and tell us why you like EZEQUETM Skin Therapy

2. Join and LIKE the ED Unloaded Facebook Page and SEC Lifestyle Facebook Page.

3. Share this blog post on your Facebook Wall with the Caption “Get rid of Eczema Giveaway” (Do ensure that you TAG me or Ed Unloaded, so that I know that you are joining this contest.)

For those who are new to the process, just copy the link below and Paste it on your FB Wall. Do Remember to add the Caption.

The Giveaway ends on 21 December 2014 at 2359 hrs. (Editors decision on Winners are final)
Contact Details

SEC Lifestyle Pte Ltd

1 Pemimpin Drive , #07-09 One Pemimpin, Singapore 576151
Tel: (65) 6659 7890    Fax: (65) 6234 6528


And the Winners of this Giveaway are:

1) Alanna

2) Ashmika Jain

3) Carol Lim

Congratulations to these winners, and we will be notifying you soon about the collection of your prizes! 🙂


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