8 Confessions of a Teacher!
With Teacher’s Day just over, I went to Nadine’s English Enrichment Centre—Jan & Elly to find out some insider jokes that teachers have. Presenting the Jan & Elly teachers who were more than willing to spill the beans on silly and down-right-funny experiences they’ve had with kids!
Here goes:
“A kid once asked me if I used to write with feathers when I was in Primary One. I’m only 27.”
– Teacher Alyson
“I sometimes burst into song when the children are working. On one such occasion, a student turned to me and said, “You know Teacher Paul, that was almost nice.” The funny thing is, the child was right. I sing off-key.”
– Teacher Paul
“One day in class, we were reading a narrative from someone who was in a concentration camp during WWII, and the writer said that he “sent a message” to his family on the outside. A student raised his hand, confused, and asked, “How did he sneak his cell phone past the guards?” Let’s just say I was left baffled at his time-lapse.”
– Teacher Destin
“The look of disbelief when I tell my kids I am 23 after they’ve guessed how old I am, because “old” to them is 16. I have never felt more like a fossil.”
– Teacher Steph C.
“Once, a kid I never taught, grabbed my hand excitedly and shrieked, “I love you!” New on the job and not sure how to react to such moments, I mumbled back, “I love you too!” Only to realize she thought she was holding her mum’s hand.
– Teacher Stef J.
Kid: Teacher Gail, I want to be a lawyer when I grow up!
Me: Why?
Kid: So I can fight with people all day long! *makes punching actions*
Me: …That looks more like boxing!
Kid: Can I be a boxing lawyer?
Me: You mean a lawyer for boxers?
Kid: No, lawyer-in-a-box. Like jack-in-a-box!!!
Me: *dying of laughter and at a loss as to where to begin explaining concepts*
– Teacher Gail
“After a visit to a local butcher with my mother when I was 5-years-old, my dream profession was to become a sausage-maker. And to this day, sadly, I’ve never had the opportunity to try my hand at meat-piping. Instead, everytime there’s a topic on “My Dream Profession”, I subtly suggest they consider being sausage-makers. Well, so far they’ve had none of it.
– Teacher Jamie
One day, as we were packing up the school to leave, a kid asked “Why are you packing up? Isn’t this where you sleep?”
– Teacher Sam
When I read all these experiences, I’m so glad the teachers have a wonderful sense of humour. A happy teacher always mean happy children and good learning! Thank you Jan & Elly! Happy Teachers Day to all!