School Holidays
It’s the school holidays! And we’re into week 2!
Why do kids love the hols? Top 5 reasons from my Primary 1 girl’s experience:
- Bedtime is extended BOTH ways. They get to go to bed LATER and get to stay in bed LATER!
- There’s no school!!!
- There’s no school!!!
- There’s no school!!!
- There’s no school!!!
Well, that’s the kid’s point of view. What’s the parent’s take on school hols?
1. Bedtime is extended BOTH ways. I get to go to bed LATER and get to stay in bed LATER!
2. There’s no school!
3. There’s no school??
4. Can I have more annual leave?
5. Can school start soon, like Tomorrow?
I never thought I would wish for school to start again! It’s just very challenging to keep a 7YO girl entertained 24/7…I can’t imagine when all three of them are in Primary School!
We’ll show you what we’ve been doing this last week…Perhaps we can do some exchange of ideas!