We Have A New Writer: Dawn Says Hi!
Hello, readers of Ed Unloaded! I’m Dawn, a new writer for this interesting space here. Very nice to meet you.
My mommy journey began some 6 years ago when my elder boy, Daniel was born. Two years later, Danzel joined us and now we’re a family of 4. Like many other boys, Daniel and Danzel have way too much energy for our little house. The scariest thing they can say to me is, “Mommy, I’m so boring already”, so we’re often out of the house on weekends and holidays.
We recently signed up for Sentosa Islander card so we often find ourselves at Palawan beach on Sundays. I believe a lot in self-care, so I like to read and chill or go for a run on the weekends. At the same time, I need to find something that the kids like to do. I find that the beach is somewhere everyone in the family can find a bit of fun. Papa is just happy to not have to think about where to go.
Nothing beats staring out into the horizon while the boys dig into the sand and fill their little dump trucks up. They can easily last an hour or more at the beach and that gives me ample time to either go off for a jog or just sit and enjoy basking in the late evening sun.
I think experiences are important for the kids so when we’re home (and I still have some energy left over from the work week), I’ll do little projects with them. Sometimes it’s making pizza that they saw on TV earlier in the week, sometimes we paint, sometimes we take out our lego to build different houses for the minifigurines. And then there are days that I just want to lay on the bed all weekend, and let the kids connect with their toys.
Thank you for allowing me to share my mommy journey with you. Come connect with me on my Instagram @mamek_baebek!