Bosch Automotive Amazing Race

Last weekend was an exciting weekend for the whole family, as all of us were invited to the Bosch Automotive Amazing Race!

To tell you the truth, my wife and I are BIG FANS of Amazing Race, and we always wanted to join a competition like this! Therefore, we really wanted to do well in this competition Smile

So here we were…pitted about 5 other bloggers. There were lifestyle bloggers, and of course some bloggers who we were more familiar with. It is good catching up with Andy and Cheryl and meeting their family and friends! Smile


Besides the competition details, we were also surprized to find out how Bosch is very much in the everyday driver’s lives. Normally, when one thinks Bosch, we only think about Batteries and Spark Plugs. But do you know that Bosch is inside the bonnet of every car!

bosch parts

From the ABS (Anti Brake Locking System) to Electronic Stability Programs, Bosch are the creators of these systems that make everyday driving safe! So whether you are driving a BMW, a Toyota or a Citroen, Bosch has added value to your car!

Anyway, the best part about the Amazing Race was that the kids could come along with us! Needless to say, the kids were more than happy to spend the entire day with Daddy and Mummy!

As the 6 Bloggers were divided into 2 waves and on rotated routes, we had to draw lots for our first station. Nadine drew our route!


The teams were raring to go after the draw, but everyone was excited except for Nathan…who was kind of distracted by Uncle Bob!


We finally wrestled Nathan away from Uncle Bob, and we were given a walk through the Ethoz walkshop. It was here, that we saw first hand, how Bosch played a great part in the maintenance and safety of our cars.


We then set off on our stations. There were a total of 5 stations, and we were tested on stuff like “Win, lose or Draw”, “Matching” and practical stuff like inflating your car tyres and replacing your fuses.

So, as not to keep you guys in suspense, check out the last comic for the results:


We came in 2nd, and we lost to a much younger and stronger team! Better luck next year! But Congrats once again to Cheryl on your team’s win! Smile

And many thanks once again to Bosch, Ethoz and Omy for inviting us! We all had great fun! Smile

Before I go, here is a shameless request…

If you liked my comic strip or our blog, do hop on over to the Bosch Automotive FB page and “Like” Bosch and very importantly, do Vote for us in the Bosch competition!

If you have “liked” the Bosch page already, do click here to Vote for us!


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