Giving and Prospering in God

Besides the upcoming Asia Conference in Nov, all the church members are facing a very important event next week. The first week of Nov is our Building Fund Pledging Weekend, and we need to deal with the question regarding, giving and prospering in God.

Building fund weekend is a week of great sacrifice for our members, as everyone of us will be aiming to bring our best to the house of God – to build God a church in the marketplace, for the marketplace.

Everyone remembers Building Fund season…the songs…the lifting up of envelopes…the tears….I am sure that many of us can relate.

I guess more so, during this time of economic crisis…. friends…Christians are not immune to the economic crisis and definitely not immune to trials and tribulations.

But the Good news is this:

As we are faithful to the promises of God, and as we keep on walking in obedience:

We can expect to reap what we have sowed.

As we obey God, we can expect to prosper in God!


In fact, this Prosperity is not limited to our finances. But it applies to all areas of our life: spiritual, physical, emotional and material.

Some people cannot understand why God wants us to prosper. Here are reasons on why God wants you to prosper:

1. God wants us to prosper, so that we be a blessing to others (Deut. 8:18)
If we are in lack, we can’t help the poor or the needy. As we prosper in our jobs due to our continual obedience, we can be a bigger blessing to our community and to the ministries that we are involved in.

As we prosper, It is also our duty to be financially responsible for what God gives us.

This leads us to point 2:

2. Prosperity is not an end in itself, but the result of a life dedicated to service to God.

As God blesses us, we must always remember what God teaches us: that “to whom much is given, much will be demanded” (Luke 12:48).

As we prosper, we are expected to keep on sowing!

3 John 2

2Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

It’s clear that God wishes that his children prosper. When we live a life of devotion, dedication and action that corresponds with the Word of God, we will prosper.

Furthermore, the verse does not speak about  a momentary or passing phenomenon, but rather a CONTINUAL and PROGRESSIVE state of good success! This comes through continual obedience!!!

Of course, breakthroughs involve times of trials and tribulations. But I am very confident that through our continual obedience, we will end up on top of any economic situation – in our families and & in our lives!

As I have served God, I have never experienced a day of lack. So during this time of sacrifice and giving, I am looking forward to a time of even greater breakthroughs in my life.

Building Fund?!?

Here we come!!!

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