This December, Let Your Child Discover How To Excel in School and Life!


It’s the school holidays again – BUT are your kids playing video games again? Are they wasting their time watching YouTube and lazing around the house?
Also, maybe you want your kids to find a new inner confidence and be more disciplined for the new school year.

Here’s a well-respected holiday program, specially targeted for youth from 8 to 18 years old!


Introducing Supercamp Singapore – Singapore’s Premier Life-Skills Camp!

Supercamp Singapore is a 7 day life skills and academic skills program for youths, created to address life issues, and help them find the motivation and discipline to study!

Founded by Bobbi DePorter in 1982, the goal of SuperCamp is to teach students important life-skills that they can use for the rest of their lives and to make learning fun and meaningful.


Combining cutting-edge learning technology from famed educator Georgi Lazanov and life-lessons from the world’s greatest achievers, this 7 day camp aims to help youths think smarter and adapt to their teenage years successfully!

Here’s What Your Child Will Learn

Your child will learn important academic techniques like speed reading, study skills, writing, math, creativity and critical thinking.

Kids come back from SuperCamp, armed with knowledge about resilience and other important life skills.


They learn to adapt socially and overcome shyness. And most importantly, and what Singaporean Parents like best: How to manage and peak during the dreaded exams!!!

Supercamp Teaches In This Super-Engaging Way!

A student learns best when the instructors are engaging! And that is what SuperCamp does! They engage students through games, colour, physical and positive thinking, Most of all, it is a fun and powerful learning experience.


I have sat through their teachings, and one of the things that struck me, was the way, they were able to hit a “home run” through their innovative teaching techniques.

What Makes Supercamp Special?

Supercamp is unique because they are the pioneers of accelerated learning technology. They invented almost all the teaching methods used by different companies today.

Also, Supercamp has a time-proven curriculum and they fly down specially-trained facilitators from the US every year to teach this powerful curriculum. I have met a few of these instructors when I went to SuperCamp Thailand, and they were previous campers and current Teachers from American schools. Being passionate about teaching, they came over to impart life skills and help youths adapt through their teenage years.


It was certainly educational and inspiring to hear from these educators in a innovative and inspirational way.

After seeing the kids before and after the 7 Day Camp, I noticed they were more confident and had many new friends. And they loved it!
More Details About Supercamp … And A Special “Ed Unloaded” Discount!

SuperCamp is a 7 Day, Stay-in holiday Program, where Campers will stay on a top local school hostel, with food and quality accommodation all included.
You can visit their website, for more details.


On the website, you can also read about the unique teaching technology that Supercamp uses to help your child and some of the skills your kids will learn there.

Also, I’ve worked out a special discount package with Supercamp Singapore just for ED Unloaded readers.

When you sign your child up for Supercamp by clicking the link below, you will receive a special $300 discount.

Here’s the secret link:

On the page, you’ll find a special coupon code. When you register, key in the coupon code and you’ll enjoy the special $300 off!

Check it out now!


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