Citibank Dividend Card
My very first credit card was a Citibank Credit Card.
Up till today, I am still using my Citibank Card. In my view, this is one of the very best credit cards on the market, with Global Worldwide recognition.
In fact, when I travel overseas, my Citibank Dividend Card – is one important card in my wallet!
Of course, when I am in Singapore, I use my Dividend Card all the time.
With a Family Car that makes regular visits to the Petrol Station, it is important to look for a Credit Card that maximises ones money.
Citibank has a tie-up with Esso, that offers:
5% station discount at Esso on Petrol
5% Esso discount for Citibank Credit Cards
5% cash back on your Citi DIVIDEND Card
This means a total of 14.5% savings on your Bill!
The best thing about the Dividend Card is that, even if you can’t find an Esso Station, you can still get 5% cash back at any Petrol Station! (whether it is Caltex, Shell, Mobil or SPC – You can get 5% cash back discount at all these stations!)
Citibank Dividend Card also offers 2% discount on all grocery shopping at Cold Storage.
And when the whole family eats out at any restaurant, the Citibank Dividend Card gives us 2% discount on all spending.
To further illustrate my point, here is a simple example to demonstrate how the cash-back structure works:
Cash is king! And I am always delighted to receive a cheque from Citibank, as a cash rebate on all my spending!
And as a special tie-up with Citibank…they are offering ED Unloaded readers something a really special deal!
They are giving away … $$$…Yes!….
Get $20 Tangs Shopping Voucher for either a Citibank Credit Card or Ready Credit
Currently, when you apply for a Citibank Credit Card..there is no such offer or promotion around…
So if you looking to apply for a card or you just need some extra spending money…I am sure there is a card that suits you and you can find out the various options here.