Thanks for Voting
Hi Guys!
Thanks for coming to my blog since I started it. If u guys don’t already know, I have been nominated for the ‘Hottest Daddy’ in the Blogger’s Choice Awards!
Competition is really heating up as we are currently No. 3.
Really appreciate if u could vote for me. All u need to do is to sign up for an account, and vote accordingly. U can either click here or click on the icon on the right of my toolbar.
Thanks once again for your support, as we make another attempt at “Crossing Over!”
Btw, i love ALL the feedback u guys have been giving me. So do tag, or as Emily promised, leave your comments!
Friends are friends forever
Gwen was asking, what was the name of the song that we sang at the Camp. The song is called ‘Friends are friends forever’ by Michael W. Smith.
It was a real hit in the late 1980s, and it was constantly being played on the airways. Hope u guys can familiarise yourself with the song, as we will definitely be singing it at our “Thanksgiving Year End CG”