Starhub Cable TV
Starhub is giving a great promotion during this Chinese New Year. In fact this happens every CNY. One can watch all Starhub Cable channels for Free!
If you are at home or stuck in the relatives house, pick up the Starhub Cable Remote and start surfing:-
As Starhub is giving FREE CABLE TV to all existing customers!
Cool right! Check out the ad I pulled from the StarHub site:
Lunar New Year All Channels FREE* Access
This Lunar New Year, StarHub TV customers are rewarded with a festive bonus of 60-hour round-the-clock FREE* viewing for all (over 100) channels, including High Definition^ (HD) channels from 13 Feb 1200hrs till 15 Feb 2359hrs.
Simply tune to the channels and start watching. For example, tune to CH 55 to watch VV Drama.
This is definitely great entertainment for me and the wife, as we can just laze around at home, and watch movies! Cool!