St Margaret’s Hair for Hope Issue
The newspapers still seems to be going on and on about this “Hair for Hope” issue.
(Screenshot of the article online at the Straits Times)
I think that it is great that the girls are willing to shave their heads for a good cause. Not many teenagers are willing to “step up” to do something worthy, and we should applaud such a spirit among teens.
They also showed a level of maturity by consulting with their Principal about the whole matter. It seems that through this consultation, they came to an agreement that they would wear wigs after they went bald for the Hair for Hope Charity event.
However, only 2 of the 5 students from St. Margaret’s Secondary School kept their word.
It seems to me that if they were to initially consult their school about the event, there must have been some initial feelings of apprehension about the matter. So, if the school had conceded to their request, I believe that a certain degree of respect had been given to the matter.
Therefore as a parent, I believe that the girls should not have gone back on their word. A promise is a promise.
As a society, we should be encouraging our children to not just have a heart, but to be citizens who are able to stand by what they promised. A person of character is definitely someone who is consistent, and not saying one thing and meaning another…
Building children of character is one of the most challenging propositions for a parent, and I believe that having a heart, and keeping your word, can definitely go “hand in hand”, with respect to this matter. Should not we encourage both characteristics, rather than dispensing with either?