Safer Internet Day and Cyber Bullying

Singapore is one of the countries in the world with the greatest internet penetration. Considering the fact that the Internet is about 30 years old, many of us are still getting a grasp of the digital highway, and especially the Internet’s young off springs called Social Media.


Today with the creation of Social Media, no longer are our comments and opinions restricted to the 4 walls of our walls, but whatever happens online, has the propensity to stay online with positive and detrimental effects.  From the revolutions that we have seen in Egypt to the case of Anton Casey losing a job with his comments on Social Media, we have seen varied effects. With the advancement of the digital camera, we can no longer avoid social graces of “Giving up your MRT seat to the elderly”, as you might just get “Stomped” on the Internet.  Just recently, a driver of a Honda Civic who was featured in 2 viral videos showing aggressive driving was arrested.

I do applaud modern technology for letting us witness the folly and aggressive behaviour of the driver, and I definitely do not endorse any of his driving antics. In fact, I am glad that the case has been handed over the authorities and the right people will be looking into this matter. However, I am saddened by how he was part of a “witch-hunt” and how personal abuse was thrown at his family members and girlfriend. Personally, I feel that his kind of behaviour should not be encouraged nor tolerated. The Internet is only a Jungle that devours its inhabitants if we allow it!

As a parent, many of us are afraid that Cyber Bullying only strike at the hearts of our young ones. However, in the case of the Honda Civic Driver, it seems that Cyber Bullying has outgrown the school yard and into the working world. I firmly believe that 2 wrongs don’t make a right.  Although his behaviour is definitely out of line, adults should operate in a civilized manner, when we encounter these offenses on the Internet. Being a cyber vigilante to deliberately hurt and offend is a wrong that can be deemed a right.

Social Media is a new hybrid on the digital highway, and mistakes will happen. Victims of Social Media fiascos have taken down adults and young people alike. But when “mistakes” do happen, should we be primal in dealing with the issues. Weren’t we happy to let the whole school know our friends made a mistake in Secondary School, and did we not find great joy in being the first to tell all the rest of our school mates about it. Cyber bullying takes the same juvenile  attitude up a notch, by allowing us to spread the stories even faster, and with more judgemental veracity. Here is what some other people feel about the “happenings’’ on the Internet.

Social Media and the Internet

Besides the education of our young ones on using the Internet wisely, adults should extend the same social graces, when a fellow human being makes a mistake. A primitive society only exists when we are regimental in our attitudes and when we show great willingness to be an executioner, when things go wrong. To show Respect to others, that is what the Safer Internet Day aims to do this year.

My wife and myself contributed to the education video for Safer Internet day by offering our views on how we are trying to help our kids with the Internet. To create a better Internet, we need to start with the young, do check out our videos.

Edmund Tay–Safer Internet Day

Here is my wife’s Video: on Safer Internet Day

Do join in this movement to make the Internet a safer place. To join the campaign link, do click on Let’s Create a better Internet Together

To find out more about the Campaign, do watch the Video:

Safer Internet Day

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