Putting your kids to sleep

One of the most challenging task to do with kids is to put them to nap. Yes. Nap. Not to sleep.

If you had tremendous struggles putting them to sleep for the night, that’s Part 1 of parenthood. Welcome to Part 2. That’s when we parents really want to catch a wink, and that usually happens on a weekend or public holiday.

You see, the kids are W.I.D.E. awake. Nothing in their system says sleepy, drowsy, tired. And because mummy and daddy are around, and at home, “Gee, there’s loads of stuff to do! And sleeping ain’t one of them!”

Today, this is what I did.

Step 1: You can all come and sleep in our room! Bring your favourite pillow and bear! Time Check: 3 p.m.


So they came. Not one pillow, but at least two each. Not one bear, we had care bears, blue teddy, pink teddy, green teddy. We also had ducks, angry birds, Big Bird, brown dogs, penguins. sigh.

Step 2: Ok. All close your eyes. No more talking. No kicking. Stop laughing. Close your EYES. Time Check: 3.15 p.m. (Their eyes do look more sleepy?)


Step 3: ENOUGH! I’m counting to 10. I don’t want to see your eyes open. Time check: 3.20 p.m.


Step 4: I’m asleep amidst the giggling and the chatting. Estimated Time Check: 3.30 p.m.

I slept b4 they slept and this was the next time I woke up…

Step 5: I’m awake. The room is quiet (They probably slept between step 4 and 5, and I don’t have enough energy to find out when…as long as they sleep!) Time Check: 5.45 p.m.


Sigh… my room now has little animals and pillows strewn all over the floor. At least they are sleeping. And I slept too. Mission accomplished. Smile

Lesson learnt: Manage your expectations. Just be there in the same room as them, ensure they won’t leave the room. Go ahead and fall asleep. They’ll follow suit soon enough.

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