Losing Weight Effectively

Since losing 9kg due to my diet before the Chinese New Year, my eating habits have changed. I used to eat a lot of fast food, but I have not eaten at Macdonald’s for at least 2 months.

In fact, I have been looking for ways to increase my metabolism. Besides the startling revelation that Skipping meals make you fat, metabolism can be increased by our diet as well.

Before I go on, Let me first answer the most basic question:

What is metabolism?

Your metabolism determines the speed your body burns calories and absorbs nutrients. A slow metabolism can make weight loss difficult while a fast metabolism makes weight loss easier.

Skinny people thus have a fast metabolism, while those of us who are not so “lucky’, have a generally slower metabolism.

The good news is that eating the right food can help you boost your metabolism, so that you burn more calories and lose weight faster.

Eating Red Meat

Currently, I have added more Red Meat to my diet. According to some surveys, lean meat increases your metabolism by 30%. So currently, I have been shopping very often at Cold Storage, where they offer meats at 40-50% discount when it is on a “Quick Meat Sale”

quick meat

Drink lots of Water

Water helps to lose weight by boosting your metabolism rate, thus paving way for quick weight loss.

Drinking plenty of water helps to minimize strong craving for food, because it works towards reducing your appetite. On an average you should drink about 8 glasses per day. But if you are on your weight loss diet program, then you should keep drinking water throughout the day.


No more White Bread

White Flour has more calories than whole wheat flour. Studies have shown people who eat more whole grains tend to have a healthier heart.

Therefore, I have thrown out my “Red” or “White” Gardenia Bread for the “Green” Wholemeal bread.

And lastly, if you really want to be serious about your weight loss – Count your calories!

If you do that, you will definitely lose weight! 🙂

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