Jeremy Lin Interview

Everyone has heard of Jeremy Lin! And if you love basketball or Jeremy Lin, keep on reading as you get the latest scoop on a Jeremy Lin Interview!


No one can be in the Chinese Speaking World, and not heard of this “Rookie” who sparked off a renewed craze for the NBA over here in Asia.

“Linsanity” has taken the Chinese World by storm, and Jeremy Lin is the latest “Pin-up”  boy for any high achieving Chinese family. Seriously, it’s like what else can you ask for? Jeremy Lin gets good grades! He is a well-behaved scholarly Chinese boy, well mannered, does not get drunk, and he does not break any rules! and to top it off, he  is a graduate from Harvard…

But he does break all the stereotype rules,when you find out that this Chinese boy can, not just study, but he can  JUMP!

Yes! No one expects any Chinese boy to be any good at basketball, unless one is born with the Super Giant frame of Yao Ming. This stereotype of Asians definitely enabled Jeremy Lin to “fall through the cracks” in the early years, but he was just too good to fall through the system. Somehow, his “kairos” moment came, and the rest is history!

He is in the “pros” together with other NBA Stars like Kobe Bryant, and he is not just Chinese, but also a man who is unafraid of his religious convictions! Jeremy Lin speaks in Christian Meetings in Taiwan, and lets everyone know about his faith! This is the Cultural Mandate in action! Being relevant to society and a “Salt and Light” where ever he goes!

Would definitely love to see this Chinese boy in Singapore sharing his testimony in one of our local Churches! 

I really enjoyed this 60 minutes interview, which the American Network did on Jeremy Lin. As you watch it, you will discover his meteoric rise, and also his religious convictions as well!

Jeremy Lin on 60 minutes

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