iLight Marina Bay: Garden of Light

If you  have been walking around the Marina area, the last few weeks, I am sure that you  have seen the magnificent light display at the Bay.

As the Official Blogger for the iLight Marina Bay, I managed to interview Adrian Goh, the creator of “Garden of Light”, which is a light projection on the Art Science Museum. The exhibit incorporates  a variety of light and sound effects to tell a story about environmental sustainability and highlights the beauty of the natural world.

art and science musuem

1. Where did you get the ideas from to do this light display in Singapore?

This projection technology has been around for many years and its very
popular in Europe. In fact Singapore has adopted it for a few times in
National Day and even the Youth Olympic games opening ceremony. However,
these are not really 3D in nature. This projection this time is the biggest
3D mapping projection so far in Singapore with content creation of 3D object
and also mapping on the building structure itself. Unfortunately this
festival’s theme do not allow us to do other “very Popular” effects like
building transforming, cracking etc. Everything has to be based on
“beautiful” and “positive” content.
2. We’ve been so amazed when we saw our local icons transformed during iLight. Was it intentional to use these familiar icons?

Yes, projection on Art Science Museum always a popular icon. It was a
challenge to project onto a 3D object with duo-axis curved, the curvature
for depth of focus and brightness is 1 of the most challenging thing in

3. Which is the most challenging display that you had to put up in iLight? Why?

I believed this is the one. 16 projectors over 3 different spot, 3 different
angle, 3 different distance 60m, 160m and 280m respectively.

projection units

4. Which is your favourite display and why?

Coral Garden, a nice blend between technology and nature.

Coral garden

5. How is iLight different from light exhibitions in other countries?

In this festival, you sees the sustainability effort and at the same time
being able to entertain the visitors just like every other lighting festival
around the world.

—————————End of Interview——————————————

Do check out the exhibits at the Marina Bay before 1 April 2012.

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