City Harvest Allegations

People have been asking me what is the Crossover project and about the alleged funds spent on the project. What is the Crossover? Is it a good investment? The City Harvest allegations have been filling up the media space, and people have been asking about the crossover over project.

For me, the “Crossover” project, which is to reach out to Non-Christians and a Non-Traditional audience using Pop Culture is a great investment!

Is the Crossover Project is a good investment?

People will spend money! Some for worthy causes and some not!

For example, some people love to spend their money on a shoe collection, others on diamonds, branded watches and fast cars. In fact, these people spend from thousands to millions.

expensive collage

Why invest in a Crossover project and on Pop Culture?

All of us have been influenced by Hollywood  and Pop Culture in one way or another. Ray Bans became famous due to Top Gun, and I used to wear one! Because of Pop Culture, I used to love reading Smash Hits when growing up!

top gun

Sun Ho was sent as our voice and our “front” in the world of Pop. Through her secular music we hoped to connect with an audience in a non-threatening way. And CONNECT we did! Through it, 390,000 people responded at the altar calls as reported by the Business Times.

Through Sun Ho. we were able to Crossover to places like China, Taiwan and America. Her music and influence gives Christianity a voice to speak to the masses. With her songs and MVS, Sun is able to connect with an audience in a special way, that many Christians and Non-Christian find difficult to comprehend.

Crossover in Taiwan

Before the Crossover, Christianity was on a downward trend in Taiwan. After the Crossover, Christianity in Taiwan turned a corner, with many in the entertainment industry—Musicians, Singers, Dancers, Technicians, Soundmen, Directors etc turning to Christianity, and being unashamed about being Christians.

As a result of the Crossover Project, many churches have grown worldwide and the faith of many has been strengthened. Impact has been made on the needy in Haiti, disaster victims in China, the depressed and suicidal in Taiwan, and the sick children in Honduras, among others.

Churches in Singapore and many other countries in the region are also conducted with a Contemporary voice. People old and young are won to the faith. Many find a purpose in life and learn to live not just for themselves, but for others as well.

The Crossover provided a means for non Christians to know God and to know what the church is. Many of them have no one in their circle of friends who are Christians. The Crossover made it easy for Christians to boldly talk about their faith in their industry.

If it takes thousands or millions to win a soul? Is it worth the price?

I consider it a good investment, as compared to a fleet of Ferraris or as compared to a luxury watch collection.

Christians believe that a soul won for Jesus, is not an investment for this lifetime, but an investment for eternity.  So is the Crossover project worth the investment? It’s a better bet than your next COE or Louis Vuitton Bag Smile

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