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Everyday Life, Page 22

Blackberry Bold

Yipee!!! I just unwrapped my new Blackberry Bold! & I got some testimonies about the whole process! I am presently nine months …

New Addition to the Family

Nicole, Nathan and Nadine have their 1st official Cousin. Cousin Shauna was just added to the family last week, and they had …

Praying for Revival at 7am

It has really been a tiring week for all of us… But we believe that Revival involves Sacrifice! Since we started on …

National Day and Nicole Performing

Just recently on August the 9th, Singapore celebrated it’s National Day. We had our annual parade at the Esplanade, but unfortunately it …

Bible Trivia

Since I started studying at Trinity Theological College, I have been “pounded” with tons of information about theology. Here are some interesting …