Stop Dengue Now!


Some people think that, we only need to worry about Dengue Fever, when we have a dry spell! However, Dengue is a year-round threat which is not just restricted to the dry seasons. In fact, Dengue fever or Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is a common everyday threat, making it one of the the most popular mosquito-borne viral diseases in the world.

As Singaporeans who stay in a tropical climate, we must play an active role, to prevent the Aedes Mosquito from breeding. One should be aware that the saying “Prevention is better than cure” holds much weight when it comes to mosquitoes. Under optimal conditions, the egg of an Aedes mosquito can hatch into a larva in less than a day! The larva then takes about four days to develop into a pupa, from which an adult mosquito will emerge after two days. Yes! Reproduction is that fast! In less than a week, one is in danger of being bitten by a full grown Aedes mosquito, and being inflicted with Dengue Fever.

And the situation worsens when one hits the warmer seasons. The dry months of June to October, are when we witness
higher transmission of dengue, as there is an accelerated breeding and maturation cycle for the Aedes mosquito and shorter incubation periods for the dengue virus. This means they breed and grow faster and in a shorter time! To solve this problem, all of us need to do our part!


mozzie wipeout

To help everyone of us focus on the problem areas, here are the Top 5 Breeding habitats found in homes. They are Domestic containers, Flower pots, Ornamental containers, Plants and the Toilet Bowl.

top 5 breeding aedes

Yes! Domestic containers like Vases are one of the problem spots!

Therefore, if you have a vase at home, here are some things that we should do, in order to prevent the breeding of the Aedes Mosquitoes.


1) Change water in vases on alternate days. This sounds really troublesome, but stagnant water is one of the favorite breeding places of the Aedes Mosquitoes.

nea brush

2) Get a brush and scrub the Insides of the Vase and the Roots of the flowers. Mosquito eggs have a tendency to stick to the vase and the roots, and that’s why brushing the vase and roots is essential.  Mosquito eggs are really very durable, and they can lay dormant for up to 9 months. If they remain on the vase and roots, they can spring back to life again when they are exposed to favorable conditions such as water and food.

nea vase

nea roots










Cleaning our vases is so important, that it is why it is one of the steps, in the 5-Step Mozzle Wipeout.

Just to recap, the 5 steps are:

1. Change Water in Vases and Bowls on alternative days.

2. Remove water from flower pot plates on alternate days.

3. Turn over all water storage continers.

4. Cover banboo pole holders when not in use.

5. Clear blockages and put BTI insecticide in roof gutters monthly.


5 step mozzie wipeout


If everyone puts their hands together, and fights dengue, I am sure that we are able to combat this problem. For more updates and additional information about the Dengue situation, do join the Stop.Dengue.Now Facebook Page.

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