Chinatown Heritage Centre (Giveaway)

Experience the History and heritage of Chinatown in a brand new way. The Chinatown Heritage Centre is a key gateway for visitors to understand Chinatown. What was life like in in Chinatown in the days of the Samsui Woman and the Trishaw Rider? How would our great grandparents live when they first got off the boats from China? Get a chance to relive history, as the Chinatown Heritage Centre will take you through an experiential journey in time through Singapore’s Chinatown.

chinaown heritage centre

As a Singaporean, I have never heard of the Chinatown Heritage Centre, and I did not know what to expect, as my family and I were invited to embark on a journey through Chinatown. However, I am glad to say, that the journey was worthwhile, and I would strongly recommend the trip for all history buffs and definitely for our parents and grandparents!

Chinatown guided tour

Set within three beautifully-restored shophouses along Pagoda Street in Chinatown itself, the centre has been recreated to closely resemble the living quarters of Chinatown’s residents in the 1950s. Visitors have the option of touring the centre on their own with the museum’s interactive guides, or having a guided tour with a professional guide dressed up as a traditional Samsui women or Trishaw Driver. I had the privilege of experiencing the tour with the professional guide, and our family thoroughly enjoyed the experience! 🙂  Although one needs to pay $5 more for the guide (Guides are only available at 1330hrs and 1630hrs), the characters do share many authentic, nostalgia-inducing stories, that adds much value to the whole experience. (Alternatively, one can also just use the electronic guide, which gives a recorded tour of the Heritage centre.)

chinatown interactive unit

Heritage Tailor shop

Embarking on the journey, one is first taken to a Chinese Tailor shop. Needless to say, we loved the shop and the artifacts, that we saw! The furniture right down to the tea cups and threads being used was so authentic, that I was extremely trigger happy with my camera.

authentic tailor shop

traditional chinese tailor

Moving further into the house, we began to experience more of life in Chinatown! As our forefathers were poor, when they came over to Singapore, living conditions were far from ideal.  Many had to endure horrible living conditions in cramped quarters while finding ways to make a living. Kids and Parents are able to get an idea of this first-hand, as one walks through the centre’s recreated corridors and tight passages.

Chinatown slums

Check out the squatters and the traditional Chinese almanac which we saw: chinatown squatter

You see that bed in the photo above? This is the living quarters for a family of 8! Don’t ask me how they did it! And it’s not just the living quarters, everything that the family owned was also kept in this room. That is, clothes, toys, pots, pans, tools, books, papers, shoes… EVERYTHING! It was amazing!

Chinatown kitchen

Talking to the crew from the Singapore Tourism Board, I found out that the living conditions were very authentic. In refurbishing the rooms, they found the original markings of each room. Therefore, the rooms are built up, to the approximate size found in the early 19th Century. To add to the realism of the whole visit, efforts were made the exhibits interactive. Together with scents, when one enters a traditional physicians’ room, one can smell the traditional Chinese medicine, that will engulf the room.

Something really interesting! Each of the living quarters re-created at the heritage centre was as close to real life because they conducted many interviews with an ex-resident in that SAME SHOPHOUSE! She was the daughter of the Chinese Physician, and grew up in that house. Based on her memory and oral account, she told stories of who lived in which quarter, their occupations and the experiences she remembered!

makeup dresser

We also witness the streets of Chinatown in other exhibits. Check out the “death house”in the picture below.  The man pictured below rents a bed, to await his impending death, as it was considered inauspicious to die at home.  (What a lonely way to die…)

chinese death rituals

From Gambling Cards, Opium pipes, letter writing to a make shift library, one is totally immersed into life in Chinatown as one visits the Chinatown Heritage Centre.

chinese gambling

chinese letter Chinese libraryThe trip to the Heritage Centre was very enriching. The kids were amazed at how our ancestors lived. The fact that it wasn’t just pictures and artefacts that they saw (like the regular museum) made a huge difference. To be able to walk through the home, look around and see, feel and smell, made a big impact on this learning journey. 

Contact Details: 



Telephone: +65 6224 3928

Address: 48 Pagoda Street, Singapore 059207

Website: Chinatown Heritage Centre

Ticket Prices:

Adults: $15, $20 (With Guided Tour)

Children (7-12yo): $11, $16 (With Guided Tour)

Guided Tours are only at 1330 and 1630.

Opening Hours : 9am to 8pm Daily. (Closed on 1st Monday of each month)

Seniors aged 60 and above have FREE Entry till 31 July 2016 (Valid for Singaporeans and PRs only)


And Yes! We have a Giveaway for our Readers!

We are giving away FREE Tickets to a 3 Generation family! The Winning family can walk away with tickets for 2 grand parents, 2 parents and up to 3 children (For ages below 12).  Yes! that means the whole clan can head on down the Chinatown Heritage Centre for FREE!

1. Comment on this blog post and tell us why you would love to bring your family to the Chinatown Heritage Centre?

2. Join and LIKE the Chinatown Heritage Centre and  Ed Unloaded FB Page.

3. Share this blog post on your Facebook Wall with the Caption “I want to go to the Chinatown Heritage Centre” and tag 1 friend! 

For those who are new to the process, just copy the Blog Page Address and Paste it on your FB Wall. (Do Remember to add the Caption and make your share Public!)

The Giveaway ends on  17 March, 2016 at 2359 hrs.

(Editor’s decision on Winners are final, and Facebook accounts used solely for Giveaways will NOT be entertained. All incomplete entries will  also automatically be disqualified The management reserves all rights to amend or change the terms & conditions of this promotion without prior notice. Final decisions will be made by Ed  

(Disclaimer: This Giveaway is sponsored by Chinatown Heritage Centre)


And the results are finally out!

The Winner of the 3G family package  to the Chinatown Herirage Centre is:

Joyce Tan

You will be receiving n email shortly about the collection of your prize. To the rest of the readers, do stay tuned for our next Giveaway.

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