Movie Review – 17 Again


Mummy reviews …

Last night, we went to watch 17 Again. I chose it cos I was in the mood for something light, funny and of course eye candy.

We entered the cinema with little expectations. This was after all, a tried and tested and maybe a little tired story. One man goes back to his childhood or youth to change what he could have done. It was not to see Zac Efron… hmm… we are not fans, we only know he is from the High School Musical series. So it was really just a time to relax and catch a movie.

The story is about how a Would-Have-Been (Matthew Perry) lived his pathetic, always whining life with a Have-Moved-On wife (Leslie Mann) and two teenage kids who have no regard for him. He blames his wife for being the one who got in the way of him getting a college scholarship, graduating and earning big bucks.

He gets a chance to be 17 again in the same school as his own kids. AND this was when I decided this is a really good movie!

Reasons #1, #2 and #3:


Need I say more??

I told Edmund, if I were a student, I would plaster his pictures all over my files and books (do they still do that?). Haha…

It was then that I realised how long it has been, since those giggling days of swooning at Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp. What can I say? God continues to create gorgeous people around!

Back to the review…

So this Would-Have-Been (now Zac Efron) goes to school and is always in a constant race to protect his son and daughter. He eventually reaches a place where he had a chance to make a decision that would affect his college application. And we have his best friend Ned the Nerd who brought the house down with his really nerdy antics.

It was a feel-good movie (and definitely a look-good one too) with a happily ever after story.

It proves that this time tested formula of going back to the past to make you SEE your mistakes works in the movie world. More importantly, 17 Again reminds us that in every generation, there would be a heartthrob movie which would always bring out that extra heart flutter.

From Mummy blogger, this is a 4 stars out of 5 movie!

Note to all Female readers: I think just for this one post, Edmund’s rating (2.5 out of 5) ain’t important! Enjoy!

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