Fish & Co. Seafood Platter (Giveaway)

Media Invite

The holiday season is here, and families are looking for family friendly restaurants, where both adults and kids can have a great time. Look no further, as Fish and Co. has got a Seafood platter, just for your family needs! That’s right! This Christmas, Fish and Co. has got a wreath of seafood, that will satisfy all your holiday cravings. (Hint: At the end of the post, readers can find out, how they can have this great meal for FREE!)

fish and co

A wreath of seafood is a adaption of the signature Seafood Platter for Two, but they use a different sauce and serve bigger portions that those served in a standard seafood platter. The rice is served separately as the dish is already fully packed with the freshest seafood, and there is just no more space left for the rice. With much more food than normal, this platter can safely feed 3 people, making it a great dish for outings with classmates and girlfriends.

The great thing about Fish & Co. is that they look into the dining needs of each family. While we waited for our seafood to be served, there were activities for the kids to occupy their hands and minds. This is definitely important for us, as it is always difficult to keep energetic children on their seats, especially when everyone is hungry.

kids restaurants

One of the main dishes of the night was Fish & Chips with Ebiko. As we preferred mashed potatoes instead of fries, we opted for the former. The Sauce was really tasty, and we finished the whole dish in a flash.  fish and chips

Next up was the Spaghetti , and this is one of the kids favorite dish. Well, it turned out that the Shrimp & Scallop Aglio Olio was one of the best dishes of the night. The kids were busy fighting over the noodles, while Daddy had free rein over the prawns and seafood, as the rest of the family don’t have a stomach for it. As you might have guessed, there were no complaints from this Father. fish and co pasta

And the main dish of the night was of course the Seafood Platter. With lots of prawns, mussels and fish to satisfy every seafood lover, this dish is a MUST for every meal. Together with the sauces, the seafood platter did not disappoint, and we were left craving for more. seafood fish

To end the meal, we had lava cake together with ice cream. A simply heavenly combination, that one cannot go wrong with. With chocolate sauce added to the whole dessert, the kids were quick to devour the dish. java cake fish and co

The whole experience at Fish & Co. was a fun family experience, and our only complaint was that we wished that the servings were bigger.

seafood christmas fish and co

And for all our readers this Xmas, we are giving away 5 Sets of Xmas Platters worth $59.90 each.

All you need to do is:

1. Comment on this blog post, and tell us why you love Fish and Co.?

2. Join and LIKE the Fish & Co. and Ed Unloaded Facebook page

3. Share this blog post on your Facebook Wall with the Caption “Get a Free Meal At Fish & Co.”

For those who are new to the process, just copy the Blog Page Address and Paste it on your FB Wall. (Do Remember to add the Caption and make your share Public!)

The Giveaway ends on  22 December, 2015 at 2359 hrs. (Prizes must be consumed by 3 Jan 2016).

(Editor’s decision on Winners are final, and Facebook accounts used solely for Giveaways will NOT be entertained. All incomplete entries will  also automatically be disqualified The management reserves all rights to amend or change the terms & conditions of this promotion without prior notice. Final decisions will be made by Ed  

(This post and prizes are Sponsored by Fish & Co.)


And the results are out! The 5 Winners are:

  1. Delphine Tang
  2. Michelle
  3. Shao Tan
  4. Ting Jia
  5. Diana

Congratulations! You will be receiving an email shortly about the collection of your prizes! To the rest of our readers, do stay tuned for our next giveaway.

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