Fun Halloween Costumes

Halloween has been catching on in Singapore, and this year we decided to organize our 1st Halloween Party. Getting Fun Halloween costumes is essential to create the mood for a great party.

Basically, it was just a fun event for us to play “Dress Up” and have a party!

We also had fun dressing up the kids in a Fun Halloween Costume!


Nathan was dressed in a Thomas the Train character called James! We had a hard time getting him into the costume, as he was very reluctant to put on the fun costume we got from him. Mummy saw it at “Toys R Us”, and she could not resist getting one for him


Nicole was a Angel! We got her the “Wings”, while the magic wand and headgear was from her playthings! She loved the idea of being an angel, and especially when she was allowed to put on makeup. She was in heaven!


Nadine was a little Pumpkin! Once again from “Toys R Us”! She was simply adorable and she was the centre of attention at the party.


And Daddy went as a Pirate!

We had a great time at the party…Will update the details in the next post!


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