Children’s Performance

Every child is different!

All my 3 kids have totally different personalities despite coming from the same factory. Nathan recently had a performance at school. For him, it was sort of a “coming of age” milestone, as he does not really like public performances. Unlike Nicole, Nathan tends to shun the limelight – However, both Daddy and Mummy feels that he has great potential in this area!

As Nathan prepared for his recital in school, we did not know what to expect! We remember his first performance – he just practically stood there…stage fright was an understatement…

Maybe I was not the only parent with such feelings of apprehension, but I had no time to contemplate about such emotions. With 40 kids performing in a small music room…all the parents went camera crazy! Yes…If u don’t have kids yet…expect these scenes at every child’s public performance! 😉

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Even the kids were nervous about their BIG DAY!

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If you are wondering where is my boy…here’s a closer look at my handsome hunk! 🙂

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These days, Children’s performances are not so straight forward. After the performances, there is also interaction time with the parents, where teachers explain to parents, what the kids having been learning through the semester.

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The children also drew their Mother’s Day Greeting Cards and hung them up on the walls.


Check out Nathan’s Card:

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Nathan showing us some of the games that he plays in school:

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The kids also made use of some boxes to make some eco-friendly toys. It was nice seeing them activiate their imaginiation, as they got into their eco-toys!

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And lastly, here is Nathan with his teachers:

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Overall, the kids really enjoyed themselves, and I think that the performances really help boost their confidence. Many thanks to all his teachers who make school so fun for Nathan. We are definitely looking forward to his next performance! 🙂

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