National Family Celebrations

School’s Out!

Yes! The month of June is always an exciting month, as kids just love the school holidays! With the kids out of school, it also means that Parents have more time with their kids.


Parents need not fret, as they will be glad to know that the National Family Council has organized over 400 family activities and events together with more than 70 community and private organizations.

I happened to be there at the launch of the celebrations early this month at Suntec City, and it was certainly entertaining to see the local hit sitcom “The Noose” in attendance.  Hosts BB See and Adrianna Wow (played by actors Chua Enlai and Michelle Chong respectively) from The Noose elicited much laughter from the audience.

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People’s Association chief executive director Yam Ah Mee who had everyone on their feet dancing to the PA Passion Mambo mass dance.

Personally, I think that it is fantastic that MCYS is organizing such activities to promote family bonding. As a marriage and family facilitator, we always highlight the fact that quality time is one of the best love languages that we can show to our partner, and it is also one that is always appreciated.

This year’s launch has also a strong emphasis on the youth. According to a survey done by the National Family Council, they found out that:

  • The youths felt that the best way to cultivate their interest in family values is through participation in events and programmes;
  • Having someone well-known like celebrities, business leaders and politicians to share their own experience of a successful family is beneficial and inspirational to them; and
  • Youths look to their parents as examples in cultivating family values.

It shows that Youths are constantly looking for Role Models, and that youths are interested in building good family relationships as well.

So I am definitely looking forward to the Family Carnival next week at the Waterfront Promenade @ Marina Bay. It will be a great time for family members old and young to mingle and basically just have fun! Smile

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Do mark out 23 June in your Calendar, and we will see you at the Waterfront Promenade @ Marina Bay from 11am to 6pm.

Event Admission is free and the event schedule looks really exciting with some of the activities like bungee jumping and pony rides for kids! The cast from “The Noose” will also be there as well! Smile

Carnival goers will also get to win iFly Singapore, Ski 360 Degree Cable tickets and much more!

You can also win these tickets by visiting NFC Facebook page and participate in the contests. NSF website has many contests like this Family Treasures Contest which just requires you to upload a family photo and you can win a brand new iPad!

Cool Ya! So bring down your family and join us for a whole day of Fun! Smile

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