Music for Kids!
Music has many positive effects on children and adults. It not only calms and relaxes, but music is mentally stimulating as well. It is therefore not surprising that growing up, many of my peers were sent for Piano or Organ lessons. My family was no different, as my brother and I were sent for lessons as well.
The Parenting climate has changed significantly since my growing up years. Today, kids attend Language classes, golf, flower arrangement, Rock climbing, Taekwondo every weekend. Although the activities may vary, but Parents and kids are generally spoilt for choice. However, as time has revealed, the benefits of music are priceless, and it is therefore not surprising that music lessons are still a much sought after commodity. With these benefits in mind, we were therefore looking forward to experience what “Music for Young Children” can offer our kids.
Situated at Tanglin Shopping Centre and Thomson, Music for Young Children (MYC) which is operated by Music Zoo Studio offers a program where Parent participation is a key element in the curriculum. By being present, Parents do not just have a shared experience with their kids, but they are also able to fully understand their children’s strengths, styles and interests. With a full understanding of what is being taught, Parents can also further reinforce the ideas and concepts at home. If you are worried that your kids have problems adjusting to new surroundings, your fears are definitely put to rest!  With care-givers by their sides, loved ones provide the stability and security, which provide children an effective platform for learning.
The great thing about Music for Young Children, is that they offer trial classes for Parents to discover the benefits of the classes for themselves. We brought the kids together with their cousins and they simply had a blast!: )
Classes at the center not only include the use of musical instruments, but also the learning of musical theory through fun anecdotes and examples. Through the class, the kids learnt music through puppet-play and games. As they sang and hopped through the songs, the kids were able to learn music in a safe, creative environment together with their parents.
Musical theory was taught with the use of captivating anecdotes. Kids discovered keyboard notes through the use of fire engines and dinosaurs. To add to the excitement, kids were even asked to dressed up as firemen, to fully immerse themselves into their lesson.
In fact, there was so much running around and dancing, that it did not feel like a music lesson at all. Seriously, this is very different from the music lessons which I had as a young lad. At the end of the day, when it was time for them to put their hands to the actual keyboard, the kids were all loosened up, and ready to explore the intricacies of the “black and white keys”.
Although we covered many new things in the trial class, Teacher Anne was able to hold the children’s attention, and they were able to absorb the many new things presented to them.
With the aid of the structured curriculum from Canada, kids will be able to:
- play by listening
- sight sing by looking at music score
- harmonise music pieces ( end of 1st yr)
- transpose music pieces ( end of 2nd yr)
- and compose their own music.
They will also be proficient to take ABRSM grade 2 practical exam and grade 3 theory exam by the end of the entire program.
Every year, the school sends and submits original compositions from their students, where they will compete in the MYC Music Composition festival. This benefits of the curriculum definitely present a “whole new ball game” to students, as participants are able to graduate with great musical appreciation, and able to stay in love with music.
1) 50% discount off trial class fee and 100% off if they sign up for regular program.Â