7 Tips To Help Your Child Ace The Final Year Exams
The exams are getting close, and it’s that time of the year again for kids and parents.
Supercamp Singapore decided to share this article with us on how us parents can support our kids to do their best and excel in the final year exams.
What Supercamp does with kids is teach them how to combine powerful life-skills with proven study tips – so your child possesses both the WHY and the HOW to do well.
Without further ado, here are 7 tips you can use to help your child:
#1. Environment > Will
Being determined unfortunately is not enough. If your child studies in a noisy, messy place … they will get very little done – PERIOD.
The key hence is to have them do their revision in a specific place that’s clean, quiet and conducive.
Think of it like an office desk – neat, tidy and inviting for work.
It’s a place they can show up everyday and get their work done.
Their productivity will sky-rocket if they have this dedicated work area to complete all that they have to.
#2. State Before Study
Before your child starts their study, have them take a minute to close their eyes and refocus their mind.
What do they want to get done? What do they want to achieve?
Doing this gives them the time to go from thinking about food, games, movies, entertainment, friends etc …. to focusing on getting their work done.
Skip this step and an inefficient study session is almost guaranteed.
#3. Lock Distractions Away
The study area is a no-phone, no-TV, no-wifi zone – period.
It’s virtually impossible to be productive when you’re checking your phone every 5 seconds, responding to a text and refreshing your Instagram feed.
Support your child to put their gadgets away. Remind them that they can completely relax and check these after they get their work done.
#4. Real-World Practice In Real-World Conditions
It’s one thing to do an exam paper – but it’s another thing to practice under real-world conditions.
In a REAL exam, you sit at the desk and get the paper done in a fixed time period. You don’t walk around, check your textbook for answers, head to the fridge for food etc.
It’s important to have your child practice under these real-world conditions so they are psychologically ready when the very real pressures of the exam hall sets in.
The more they practice under real conditions, the more confident they will be and the less panic, stress and anxiety will set in.
#5. Support Them With Words
As parents, there’s a tendency to remind your child about what they are doing wrong and what they could be doing better.
Understand that your words hold great power – and you can instill unbelievable confidence in your child or shred their self-esteem to pieces.
It’s far better, we find, to support them and encourage them to do their best OVER telling them what would happen if they failed … or remind them of all the mistakes they made in the past.
Remember – you want to put your child in a confident state so they allow their natural abilities to flow through.
Use positive words of encouragement to trigger this state within them.
#6. Positive Self Talk Only
Support your child to practice positive self-talk.
Ban any self criticism or personal put-downs like “I can’t do ….” or “I will definitely fail ….”
Instead, ask them what they can do about that.
Move them from personal limitation to problem solving mode.
The first comes from the place of victimhood … the other from a place of personal power.
#7. Brightness of The Future
Before your child embarks on their revision, have them sit with you to design their post-exam plan.
Talk about what they will do during the holidays – the places to go to, the interesting things to do and more.
This puts less pressure on the act of taking the exams. Your child understands that the exams is just another part of their school life – not some “life or death” “make or break” event.
Also, this gives them something to look forward to as they revise and take the exams.
If you apply these 7 tips when helping your child prepare for the exams, you may be pleasantly surprised at how well they do.
Use them! They most certainly work.
In addition to these tips, our friends at Supercamp are giving away a bestselling parenting book written by Supercamp founder, Bobbi DePorter.
This book normally retails for S$18 and covers plenty of positive parenting tips you can immediately use to help your child increase self-motivation, build a stronger character and do better in school and life.
Download it here
If you wish to find out more about Supercamp, click on their site for more info!
(This is a paid Advertorial by Supercamp Singapore)